How to act [PR]ofessional. And get an Internship in the [PR]ocess.

Hello, and welcome back to my blog.

Is it that time of year, folks? When graduation is looming on the horizon and you’re not quite sure how to prepare?

If your graduation date is approaching slowly but surely, you might need to hop on the internship bandwagon. For example, my expected graduation date from LSU is less than one year away. I’m supposed to be accepting my diploma on stage on December 21, 2012 at approximately 9:30 a.m. This realization is far from rare. Don’t worry freshmen, your day will come and you will be in the very same state of awe. Seniors, you are most probably in the same boat as I am.

It is as if the past four years of college didn’t even happen. You know what they say, “time flies when you are having fun.” Although, I did have a few days of partying, there were far too many days of studying. As a freshman in college my original major was business. During this time, I was involved with a professional business fraternity at LSU called Delta Sigma Phi. I was fortunate enough to actually learn a couple of useful things that i’ve decided to share with you.

Most college students interested in public relations have similar goals. We all want to “grow up” and become a public relations practitioner and/or professional. As some of you may not know, professionalism requires more than just a resume. It encompasses personality, personal style, experience and knowledge.

How to dress to impress (for females):

First of all, it is important to remember the phrase “less is more.” Believe it or not but this statement is very true and can be applied to many different areas of life. Today, I am going to apply it to professional business attire. People will always judge you by the way you look; whether it holds true meaning or not is up to you. There are a few tips that you should keep in mind whenever you are in a professional setting and are trying to make a good impression. The worst mistake you can make is overdoing it. The number one thing you want to avoid is bulky or flashy jewelry. In order to be taken seriously you are going to want to wear simple jewelry and in moderation. You are probably not a fashion major, but you can always show off your true personality when you go out on the town with friends. However, if you have a job interview and you are worried about how to dress, it is probably best if you stick to clean, presentable and professional looks. If you are unsure what these words mean, then keep on reading..

You want to work with solid colors with either dark or light hues. Blacks, whites, browns, tans and neutrals seem to get the job done. You most certainly want to avoid “loud” or flashy patterns, such as houndstooth, stripes or polka-dots. Also, when you are considering shoes, you will want to wear a solid, moderate heel. This ensures that you won’t trip or look like a stripper. My preferred professional attire is a knee-length pencil skirt with a tucked-in blouse. However, a female pant-suit is also suitable. A pant-suit is more professionally dressy so it ultimately depends on the event or situation in which you are attending. Just remember to be modest and to not wear anything too revealing. You want to show potential employers that you know how to make a great impression without using your body. When it comes to hair styles, you must make sure that people are able to see your eyes. Eye contact can be very important. If you have incredibly long bangs you might want to pin them back with a headband or bobby pin. In addition, high pony-tails are typically not considered professional. The perfect professional hairstyle for me is either a french twist secured with a clip or a half-up half-down hairstyle, which gives you the best of both worlds. When it comes to make-up, this is really when “less is more” is important. Make-up is there to enhance your beauty and not cover it up. Also, a woman’s goal is to ensure that it looks as if she isn’t wearing any make-up at all. In order to do this avoid heavy or bright eyeshadows, eyeliners and lipsticks.

Quick, easy tips to remember:

  • Avoid flashy, bulky jewelry or outfits.
  • Do not wear revealing clothing.
  • Stick with modest, yet classy.
  • Always look clean, including hair and nails.
  • Keep any hair out of your face/eyes.
  • Embrace neutral colors.
  • Less is more!

How to get an internship:

Now that you know a little bit about how to look like you have an internship, here are some hints on how to actually get one. Most colleges and universities require students to complete one semester interning at someplace that relates to their major. For example, The Manship School of Mass Communication at LSU requires this before graduation. I am beginning the hunt for an internship. I am starting to realize that there are a few things I should have done differently.

I really should have started searching for an internship months ago. However, late is better then never. Firstly, if you do not have a professional resume that is up to date, then you need to get one. That is a major priority, because it might be the first thing your potential employer will see. Once you have a resume, you can begin your tireless search for an internship. It is extremely important that you start looking early, unlike me. There are many resources that can help you get your foot in the door. For example, you can create a LinkedIn account, which allows your resume to be presented in an online portfolio for potential employers to see. You can use sites such as or LSU’s career services center. Career services has a Website that offers “Careers2Geaux,” which is a free resource for students to find job postings and internships. I know I am constantly getting e-mails from LSU about available internships. It is a shame that a lot of students don’t take advantage of this resource. We need to get the word out there and there is no excuse! In order to realize potential opportunities, you need to have your eyes open and network with other people!

The sooner you start looking for an internship, the sooner you will be able to show off your new professional style!  Also, the sooner you will be able to realize if you actually enjoy and want to pursue your current major.

Don’t forget to dress to impress and to start looking for that internship! You will thank me later ;).

While you’re online searching for an internship, you might want to check me out on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Cheers! happy blogging and hopefully, happy graduating!